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Changed #toc div, now it’s called #git-wiki-toc. You’ve to change it too if you are using a totally custom theme.

New theme: github

Various fixes

  • Implemented external links icon (wikipedia style)

2.1.16 - Search with steroids

  • Improved search engine with new async js data loading
  • fixed page list

2.1.12 - Mobile Header

  • Implemented collapsible responsive header

2.1.11 - Blog fixes

  • various critical fixes to new blog system
  • added “permalink” in config dist

2.1.0 - Blog Refactoring

  • Blog
  • New search engine
  • Button to add wiki page and post
  • Page and post list in sidebar
  • other minor fixes
  • Improved SEO

See the list of changes here: Article


  • fixed bug on logo visualization
  • fixed united and lux theme unwanted character

2.0.1 - Themed Wiki

  • Created new themes from “united” and “lux” bootstrap styles
  • minor fix to 404 page, fixed build warning

2.0.0 - Wiki Modules

  • Splitted default layout in reusable partial files and modular architecture
  • Created configurable including hooks to extend git-wiki theme
  • Fixed some deprecation
  • Crated Gemfile for local installations
  • removed not used configurations
  • compress css
  • minor fixes

How to upgrade from 1.0.5

you must upgrade your _config.xml changing following configurations:

# to add comments now you can include a file using inc_after_content configuration
# it's exactly the position where old comments.html file was placed i 1.0.5
comments : true -> inc_after_content : "path_of_comments_file.html"

# to add custom elements in <head> now you can use inc_after_head or inc_before_head to add
# your code
custom_head: true ->  inc_after_head : "path_of_head_file.html"

# custom sidebar can be added directly in <header> 
# via a custom file using inc_after_header
custom_sidebar: true -> inc_after_header : "path_of_sidebar_file.html" 

# if you need custom footer elements you can use inc_before_footer configuration now
custom_footer: true -> inc_before_footer : "path_of_footer_file.html"

# in new jekyll versions gems has been deprecated in favour of plugins
gems -> plugins

then you’ve to add following new configurations:

# change default layouts if you want to totally customize your wiki
      path: "" # an empty string here means all files in the project
      layout: "git-wiki-default"
      path: ""
      type: "pages"
      layout: "git-wiki-default"

1.0.5 - ToC

  • Improved ToC performances and fixed minor bugs

1.0.4 - Red

  • Implemented red links for non-existing pages
  • various style fixes


First public version of git-wiki with following features:

  • Action buttons to edit page, see the history and search in wiki
  • You can customize your wiki as you want with style sheets and even changing the layout.
  • Improvements in the cooperative aspect: forks, pull-requests and roles.
  • No databases! Only static files that can be downloaded in a few seconds.
  • Markdown and html mixed together!
  • History, revision comparison and everything you need from a wiki platform.
  • You can edit your pages with the standard git editor, (integrated) or any kind of editor you prefer.